This blog is associated with the Autistic Allies group on Facebook, and is a portal to useful online content. We primarily support the principle of acceptance, which exclusively involves the use of interventions that assist an autistic individual to reach their potential best selves, rather than trying to "fix" or "cure" them. We maintain a positive outlook about autism and actively work to dispel negative myths and stereotypes.
Good informative Facebook pages and groups to Like
Of Course we will always promote our own community first here:
Autistic Allies
But there are so many other amazing pages and groups here :
Stranger in God Zone
Autistic Allies - Supporting Science and Debunking Crazy Treatments
Agony Autie
The Neurodivergent Rebel
Autistic Not Weird
Debunking ADHD & Autism Myths & Misinformation
The Autistic Advocate
Autistic and Cheerful
Karla's ASD page
A Diary of a Mom
The Thinking persons Guide to Autism
Eluding Atrophy
Respectfully Connected
Aspirations Sensations
ABA UK AutismDiscussion
The Autistic Avenger
Autistic on Wheels
Unstranged Minds
The Autistic Self Advocacy Network
Parenting Autistic Children with Love & Acceptance
Living Amongst Humans
Jeanette Purkis Books
Monique Craine
Emma's Hope Book
Nick Walker Sensei
Autistic Newsfeed
Aspirations and Information
Better Ways than ABA
Autism Inclusivity
Ask me I'm Autistic
Autistics and families
Autistics, Allies and their Toddlers