Free speech therapy activities

Speech therapists can be an amazing help to your child.

 Unfortunately not everyone has access or the waiting list can be very long.

 So we have gathered some free activities to get you started.  We aim to keep adding when we see them ☺

 Remember to make them as fun as possible and take note when your kid is getting tired or frustrated.  Little and often is best

Disclaimer:  I am not a speech therapist, professional help is always preferable

Oral Sensory Exercises

The WH questions

Visual schedules

6 free speech online resources for kids

Some speech material ideas - Freebird

Vocabulary Resource Page

Free speech therapy resources

Free speech therapy tools

10 activities to help develop speech

Remember speech is only a part of communication and some autistic people prefer AAC, PECS, makaton or other methods.
Check out our AAC page here:
Non Verbal Communication - Introducing AAC

The exercises above are primarily for kids with speech and or language difficulties who need help with this ☺

Unfortunately this book and cd costs quite a bit, but perhaps courses may be in your local area through funded projects.  Even if not please consider raising the money to do this as its an excellent ☺The Hanen Programme

Please follow our Facebook page for new updated resources

Free resources aimed at kids with additional needs