Good, Safe Interventions to Support Your Child

Safe Interventions for your Child

As Autistic Allies we firmly believe ABA is not a good intervention for your child.

Please follow the facebook page  ABA Controversy Autism Discussion UK  for more details

Also type 'ABA' into the search bar here for good links on why not.  We have a whole host of links for you to look through

The type of interventions that DO work for your child are very individual

For most kids we would  recommend Speech Therapy and Occupational Therapy if needed.

Check out our Speech Therapy link : Speech Therapy Activities

Occupational Therapy link:  Occupational Therapy help and ideas

For Sensory Ideas check out this page:
Sensory Aids and Play Ideas

and of course seek out professions in this field, in your local area

If you child in non verbal check out AAC
Non Verbal Communication - Introducing AAC

This facebook page is a good one to seek alternatives to ABA

Better Ways than ABA

Here are some good interventions we recommend which may suit your child:

What are some good therapies for Autistic children

10 Autism Interventions

Will keep adding to this page when I can. in the meantime the 'Better Ways' Facebook page will give you many ideas

There are lots of different therapies which can help your child but you have to choice them carefully.  Any which say your child won't develop without them are scaremongering, as no therapist has a crystal ball

Good luck