Autism and Aggression

Autism and Aggression

Every week in the media there seems to be a sensationalist article out connecting Autism to Aggression.  Many people can be Aggressive, but when its someone who happens to be autistic, the connection is often made as if the two always go together.

To say aggression just comes with Autism can often be a false perception.  It can happen, and to help everyone involved we must always look into the reasons why.

Here are some great blogs by autistic people, and articles which will help you understand, and perhaps even resolve if aggression is an issue in your family :

A checklist for Identifying Sources of Aggression

Autistic Insights on Aggression, meltdowns and self injury

Adult Responses to Autistic children lead to Esculation or calm

Violent and challenging behaviour : The basics

How anxiety leads to disruptive behaviour

Understanding Autism, Aggression and Self Injurious Behaviour

Oppositional Definance or faulty neuroception

We hope this help, remember if you would like more personal support to join our facebook community :

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