This blog is associated with the Autistic Allies group on Facebook, and is a portal to useful online content. We primarily support the principle of acceptance, which exclusively involves the use of interventions that assist an autistic individual to reach their potential best selves, rather than trying to "fix" or "cure" them. We maintain a positive outlook about autism and actively work to dispel negative myths and stereotypes.
Autism Advocacy
Advocacy comes in many forms regarding Autism
Campaigning against dangerous Autism treatments
Reporting parents who implement abusive treatments on their children
Phoning journalists to expose these treatments and rogue sellers
Educating parents about these dangerous treatments through social media
Talking a parent out of even considering it
Fighting for legislation
Educating parents about vaccine fears
Debunking vaccine myths
Expressing sorrow at the ableist view of the vaccine/autism connection
Making a stand against ABA
Fighting against ABA with ABA organisations
Expressing concern of ABA to parents
Hearing the voices of Autistics who went through ABA
Expressing your experience of ABA
Using social media to do this
Educating other autism services about the wrong practice of ABA
Helping schools with their autistic kids
Advocating for equity in education
Submissions on legislation
Helping autistics with their rights in hospital
Helping Autistics with their entitlements to welfare
Services and support for autistic adults. (Probably especially those who are chidfree.)
Addressing the current disproportionate focus on children and "families".
Ensuring that resources are directed towards autistic people, rather than NT parents.
Advocating to ensure Autistic people are controlling how money is spent and what it gets spent on.
Creating job opportunities for Autistic Adults
Improving care facilities for Autistics
Trying to help get airports and hospitals more autistic friendly
Using conferences to educate parents about neurodiversity
Using conferences for Autistics to teach each other about neurodiversity
Opening a social media support group for Autistics
Opening a social media support group for parents
Contributing in social media groups for both
Writing blogs
Signing a petition
Going on a podcast
Phoning into a radio station
But also :
Giving a parent advice
Sending another autistic a ❤
Expressing your worries in the hope that others understand
This is ALL important advocacy work and I am quite sure I have missed a lot out. Some people can do more than others.
The people who do it publically are incredible and can make a huge difference ☺
Others have different issues, roles, disabilities, priorities, work, life commitments. Sometimes a simple 'like' that day may be all you have spoons for, but is still being an advocate
I see amazing people giving support daily in our sister group 'Supporty McGroup face' and many other groups
This is great work, be proud ๐๐๐