I was forty years old speaking to adults but they seemed to think they were adults speaking to a child. At one point one of the ladies asked ‘So Jeanette do you live at home with your parents?’ I may have been a little mentally unwell and vulnerable but I am an Autism advocate nonetheless. I responded strongly with ‘I live in a house which I own. My parents live in a different state. I haven’t lived with them for twenty years.’ But this exchange seemed to confirm something I had been aware of for some time – some non-Autistic people view adults on the spectrum as if we were children.

This blog is associated with the Autistic Allies group on Facebook, and is a portal to useful online content. We primarily support the principle of acceptance, which exclusively involves the use of interventions that assist an autistic individual to reach their potential best selves, rather than trying to "fix" or "cure" them. We maintain a positive outlook about autism and actively work to dispel negative myths and stereotypes.
How to really irritate an autistic adult in one easy step - I'm not a child, I'm forty
Click: How to really irritate an autistic adult in one easy step - I'm not a child, I'm forty, Jeanette Purkis